30 March 2015

Bride progress

It's taken a while, but I finally made some progress on my tin can bride. 

So, her legs are done, stockings are on, but not sure how to deal with shoes yet. I experimented with some stryrofoam, but it doesn't carve very well, plus I made them too small so back to the drawing board. I made bigger feet and took the corners off, so will have to sand and shape them and see how they look. I only have basic tools, so it was hard to hold the wood while I cut at this angle. I may have to rethink this and make some sort of jig.....

Her dress is together and attached. She has borrowed the Grooms legs for now, but you get the idea...

I have some beads and stuff for the dress, which will come later...

Also trying to do some hair. I saw a tutorial on YouTube on using Mod Podge on a plastic bag/cling wrap base which makes a cap, of sorts, that you glue the hair onto. First attempt was not so great, since I didn't have Mod Podge, only PVA. This is too rubbery to work properly, so I have started again with some decoupage medium and we will see how that goes... If I have to get Mod Podge, then I will, but that stuff ain't cheap!! ;)

I also upgraded my Groom's trousers as they seemed too black, so they now have a white trim on the side....

Hopefully, I will get motivated over the rest of the Easter weekend, and we will see some more progress... I have been a little low on motivation lately - I need to clean up my space to refresh myself. I have a doll I want to make, but I need to make some space to cut out the pieces out without glue and tools in the way. I have already cleaned out the shed and bought some new tubs as the clear ones went all brittle, filled them up, now just to put them back in the shed. Hopefully the weather will hold out an I can get some stuff done.... ;)

02 March 2015

Groom progress...

Starting to get an idea of how this is working. Quite pleased with the results, so far ;)

Arms are on, hair is on... Still waiting for the glue to set, hence the pins, and he's looking a little scruffy, but I can trim that up later. The hat I already had, but I think it's a perfect size. 

This is the first time I have used the ball for a hand, and it works great! Bought more this morning :)

Still deciding on how to do the face. I don't think I will be able to paint directly on the head, as it is so glossy. I may have to try the painted vilene that I used for Dorothy....

Top hats and tails...

Been toying with the idea of making a Bride and Groom couple based on the toy soldiers, so since I was all on my own today, I cranked up the radio and off I went!

The groom is going to be in full formal with tails, and I hope I can reuse the coat pattern for future soldiers ;)
Still waiting for the paint to dry on the tin, but you get the idea......

I hope this will work.... The bride is going to be more complex, but I think it will be fun. Maybe...