15 April 2017

More Supers

Gosh, its been a while! I've still been making stuff, just not recording as much of it....

Upgraded to a new iPad, and discovered that the Blogger app is no longer compatible so I have to use the web version 🙁 It's not as user friendly, but hopefully it will get the job done.....

So, I think I've mentioned previously about some fabric that was given to me by my aunt when she moved house that was perfect Super colours! Only downside was that it was polyester, so it is very high in static electricity. But, I did it anyway!

Overall, they turned out ok. It's not stretch fabric, so I increased the neckline at the front to make the neck larger, and used bias binding as the front facing. The fabric is quite heavy, so I wonder how well it will flow while wearing it....

No matter, they are done!! NEXT!!