There were about 8 squares that just didn't work (strange colours, too bright) so I removed them and added new ones from my own stash. I can't even tell which ones they are, now!!
I used a piece of checked fabric I already had for the backing - it was slightly too narrow, so I decided to use the outer squares for a self-edge (otherwise there would have to be a seam, and that would be a bit yukk on the back)
I had a piece of quilt batting (nice piece, not springy) that fit perfectly, so all up this quilt cost me NOTHING!! I hand stitched the binding, but machined the tacks. I tried to do it by hand - I wanted that country look with the tails - but I didn't like it, so Mum suggested maybe use the machine. Brilliant idea!! I used a stitch that I liked, on zero width, and I did 2 stitches then turned 90degrees and did 2 more. it looks a little like a cross-stitch! I pulled the threads to the front, knotted them, and left the tails. I think its a good compromise. It took longer to tie the knots than it did to stitch the crosses!!
This is made using circles of denim, which is turned to the right side and assorted fabrics are placed in the "window" and topstitched (I used a variegated thread on the bobbin and a blue on the top). You could use a fleece or flannelette for warmth, but I found that the denim was heavy enough and I didn't want to add bulk.
Not too happy with the edges, though....
This is my most recent quilt cover in hexagons, and the second I have made. The flowers are all different and, as you can see, vary in colour. I received a second prize for this at the Canning Show 2003. This quilt also won a First Prize at the Kelmscott Show, 2004.
From an idea I read on the internet. The denim is "lined" with flannelette so that the back is tidy and the front is frayed. This won first prize in both the Canning and Perth Royal Show recycled item section 2003.
3D MINI QUILT (2003)
This miniature wall hanging is as vibrant as it appears! It is made with an origami type of fabric folding (finished size approx 40cm square). I added the leaves which are fussy cut from a piece of curtain fabric. The flower centres have small beads in them. Third prize at the Canning Show 2003 and second at the Kelmscott show 2004.
This miniature quilt won me the "Best in Category" at the Canning Show in 2002. I also received a second prize at the Perth Royal Show that year. It is foundation paper pieced and has a finished size of about 45cm square. This miniature quilt also won First Prize at the Kelmscott Show 2004 (second place above)
A=Appliqué, B=Buttons, C=Checks, D=Denim, E=Embroidery, F=Fur, G=Gingham, H=Hessian, I=Invisible, J=Jungle greens, K=Knitted, L=Lace, M=Measure, N=Net, O=Over locked, P=Patchwork, Q=Quilted, R=Ribbon and RicRac, S=Spots and Stripes, T=Tapestry, U=Underneath, V=Velcro, Vinyl and Velvet, W=Wool, X=X-stitch, Y=Yellow (any better suggestions??) and Z=Zipper
I made this quilt cover when I was still living at home. It is fully hand sewn, with no two flowers the same. I raided the remnants box - there are a lot of fabrics in there that I had clothes made out of and they are not necessarily cotton!! There are rayons, satins, drill - you name it, its there! It is lined with a light knit fabric.
After many years of use on my bed, some of the "non-cotton" patches were starting to perish and had to be replaced.