I have been mulling over how to do her hair for a week now. I tried a couple of techniques and didn't like any of them, although a lot if that had to do with the actual wool that I chose to use than anything else! It was a 2 part wool, twisted together pretty loosely, one an eyelash type, the other a curly type, called Stellar by Moda Vera. I tried as per the instructions to make loops and stitch on, but I didn't like the result, so I though I could crochet chains and then stitch them on, but wasn't easy to see the loops and it lost the frizziness. Googled another technique of crocheting using two parallel rods, but it was sooooo slippery I couldn't keep the lengths consistent.
Finally decided on the old "stitch it to a strip of fabric" method. It works well, as long as you know your hair style you want to have in the end. This girl has a centre part and 2 ponies in the pic, so that's what I aimed for. Still to decide whether to cut the loops at leave them alone - cant change my mind if I decide to cut the and not like them!! We'll see how she looks once she's dressed....