After looking at my burlesque girl on my table for the last week or so, I decided I did not like her face and her hair dropped so much fluff I couldn't take it anymore!!
So, off came her hair and her face, and I replaced them. That's the beauty of this type of doll!!
I used the new face with the ears, and used the same eye position as the boy, made the nose smaller and new lips... I like her better, now! Here eyes could have been closer together (and I have changed my design already), but overall she is better. I also thought I would see what would happen if I coated the paint with top coat and it gives it some shine, but it's not smooth. Perhaps if I try the proper stuff I would get a better result??
Her eyeshadow is done with pencils. Also an experiment tested out with mixed success.
The wig is one that's been hanging around for a while, and it works ok. Its not properly secured yet - only pinned - to get an idea if I like or not. Oh, and she got some earrings, just for good measure! With ears like that, how could I not??
Oh, and since I was unpicking anyway, she got new arms. Made them thinner - maybe too thin? - and added elbows and smaller hands. Still not sure if I like them, but I can still unpick and make some more if need be...