13 September 2014

A new man in my life...

Well, that's not entirely true... It's actually 2 ;)

Let me introduce them to you - meet Hugo... and Hugo!

On the left is Hugo, Man of a Thousand Faces, made by Kenner in 1975. He originally came with a bunch of accessories to stick on him - hair, eyes, glasses, scars, etc - hence the bald head. He has fabric arms, attached to a half body, which is essentially just a hollow tube. He is wearing his original shirt....

On the right, is Hugo, Man of a Thousand Faces, international version. He is different in many ways - his head is bigger, his neck is longer and his arms are all vinyl joined into the side of his body "tube". A minor difference is that on Kenner Hugo, the edge of his body has a kind of rolled edge, making it look finished. On the other Hugo, it is blunt, and looks like it has simply been cut off? The eyes are also painted differently, and he doesn't have the same bags under his eyes. ;) His arms are slightly shorter, too, with Kenner Hugo's arms dragging on the table, while the other's look too short for the size of his head...

Unfortunately, I have none of the accessories, but they are a couple of cuties. I hope they don't cause too much trouble!! You know how naughty boys can be.....

You can see more info here: