31 July 2014

Dutch blocks...

Many moons ago, I started making Dutch inspired blocks, with the intention of making a quit for my Grandma and Grandad. Unfortunately, my Grandad passed away a few years ago, and I lost interest. While cleaning up, I found them again and decided to make a couple more blocks and turn it into a wall hanging. With the addition of the embroidery, it would be too risky to use as a proper quilt...

Slight problem, though... I couldn't find the rest of the background fabric I had used, so I bought as close a match as I could find and made 2 more blocks - the clog and the tulip. My original clog blocks went on the scrap heap, as the colours were just plain wrong.

Anyhow, after some math (I hate math!!) I worked out how to economise with the limited fabric I had. Seems to have worked ok, so far! Not enough for binding, though, but I think I could use a blue to frame it? Will have to check Spotlight tomorrow...