31 August 2013

A change of clothes...

I was not loving the dress for puppy... I mean, it was OK, but not blowing my mind...

So, a rethink was in order! The design was fine - was it the colour? Tried again in a black floral, and with a few tweaks to the length an the collar, I think we have a winner!

I also removed the whiskers, since a comment made to me that it made her look more like a cat. I was unsure, but I do like it better. 

She also needed some shoes, so rather than make some, I painted them on. Easy peasy!!

Her pants have a hole for the tail to fit, and was made using my new favourite method - a rectangle! Super easy!!

Now, she needs a collar, but I think the mini buckle and ribbon will do for now, and I can now move on to another idea - this one could be a bit slippery.....